Materiality Identification Process

  YUSHIN has identified the following five materiality issues of the YUSHIN Group in order to realize a sustainable society and increase corporate value in the medium to long term. In identifying these issues, YUSHIN listed candidates for materiality from the perspective of stakeholders and our group-wide management. Members selected from the Board of Directors and departments discussed the candidates and identified those of particular importance by ranking them according to their level of importance.
  By implementing measures to address the identified materiality, we will work to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and environment and increase our corporate value.

Measures, Targets/KPIs, and Results for Materiality

1. Solving social issues through business: Promotion of occupational safety

Why we think it is important

Because occupational safety is an important factor for us as a manufacturer of production equipment, and it leads to fundamental respect for human rights.



FY2023 Results

FY2024 Results

Develop products with improved safety performance

  • Build safety features into all new products
  • Increase the number of designers and design-related personnel who are Safety Assessor (or equivalent) certified
  • 100% equipped
  • Safety assessors: increased by 6 (total 53 at end of March 2023)
  • 100% equipped
  • Safety assessors: increased by 3 (total 56 at end of March 2024)

Ensure ongoing health and safety committee efforts

Zero fatalities and lost time injuries

Lost time injuries: 1

Lost time injuries: 1

Implement human rights policies and due diligence

  • Send human rights guidelines and questionnaires to all targeted business partners (FY2024 target)
  • Ensure that all targeted business partners understand the human rights policy (target by FY2027)

Not implemented

Not implemented

(Guidelines sent to all targeted business partners in April 2024)

Other measures:

Organize schools on occupational safety

Links to related articles:

2. Solving social issues through business: Productivity improvement of the customers’ factory

Why we think it is important

Because we can expect that by improving the productivity of our customers' factories, high value-added products will reach more people, thereby improving the standard of living (medical care and education) of people around the world.

Main measures:

  • Develop and market high-speed, high-precision robots
  • Incorporate productivity-enhancing features into products
  • Promote the acquisition of patents
  • Improve the maintenance service system

3. Solving social issues through business: Tackling climate change

Why we think it is important

Because climate change is a major problem that threatens the living environment for many people around the world. Corporations should address the problems as members of the world.



FY2023 Results

FY2024 Results

Develop products with improved environmental performance

Build environmental features into all new products

100% equipped

100% equipped

Calculate and disclose GHG emissions

  • Calculate GHG emissions

   - Scope 1,2 and 3 (Japan)

   - Scope 1 and 2 (overseas) 

  • Disclose GHG emissions data
  • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in Japan by 70% from FY2021 levels (target by FY2031)
  • Disclosed Scope 1 and 2 (Japan) data
  • Reduced Scope 1 and 2 (Japan) GHG emissions by 59%
  • Started calculation

   - Scope 3 (Japan)

   - Scope 1 and 2 (overseas)

  • Disclosed Scope 1 and 2 (Japan) data
  • Reduced Scope 1 and 2 (Japan) GHG emissions by 59%

Switch to renewable electricity

100% transition to renewable electricity at business sites in Japan (target by FY2031)

94% transitioned

94% transitioned

Switch from gasoline vehicles to clean vehicles

77% conversion of gasoline vehicles to clean vehicles at business sites in Japan (target by FY2031)

23% converted

36% converted

Identify climate change risks at our sites and in our supply chains and formulate BCPs

Formulate a comprehensive BCP for extreme weather risks


Reviewed BCP for extreme weather, and made it know to all employees

Reviewed BCP for extreme weather, and made it know to all employees

Links to related articles:

4. Strengthening the management base for the sustainable growth of YUSHIN group: Human capital enhancement

Why we think it is important

Because people are the source of added value.



FY2023 Results

FY2024 Results

Create a system for long-term employment in accordance with the respective life stages

Male parental leave take-up rate of at least 20% (target by FY2025)

40% used



72.7% used

Create a good work environment

Annual paid leave take-up rate of at least 60%

61.7% used

64.7% used

Keep everyone informed about the human rights policy. Implement human rights DD

Provide human rights training

Implemented once

(topics: business and human rights)

Implemented twice

(topics: business and human rights, and “business and human rights” from SDGs perspective)

Other measures:

  • Create a culture and environment that makes innovation happen
  • Provide the following training
  1. Encouraging male employees to take parental leave
  2. Harassment prevention
  3. Life planning

Links to related articles:

5. Strengthening the management base for the sustainable growth of YUSHIN group: Strengthening corporate governance

Why we think it is important

Because loss of stakeholder trust threatens business operations. Penalties for non-compliance, loss of brand equity, and data leakage due to security failures also threaten business operations.



FY2023 Results

FY2024 Results

Increase the ratio of External Directors on the Board of Directors to at least 1/3

At least 1/3 of the Board of Directors consists of External Directors




Establish the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (chaired by an external director)

The ratio of External Directors in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is 2/3 or more




Ensure effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Evaluate effectiveness through questionnaires and improve based on the results.

Evaluated and improved


Evaluated and improved

Establish a whistle-blowing system

The number of reported cases



Provide compliance training to employees

The number of compliance trainings (internal and supply chain)

Implemented twice

(topics: insider trading prevention, whistle-blowing system)

Implemented twice 

(topics: "business and human rights" from the SDGs, the subcontract act)

Improve data security

The number of trainings on information security and IT literacy improvement

Implemented once

Implemented twice

Links to related articles: