Our Group is committed to sustainable growth and mediumto long-term enhancement of corporate value through the creation of an organization that makes the most of the values and perspectives of its diverse human resources.

   We aim to create an environment in which each and every employee can maximize his or her characteristics and abilities and continue to work with vigor and vitality by recruiting and training diverse human resources based on the dissemination of the corporate philosophy.


Promote Corporate Identity (CI) Activities

   We promote corporate identity (CI) activities in order to define our corporate philosophy and direction that we will continue to focus on in the future, and to achieve further growth and development. We clarify its important ideas and action guidelines based on the concept of “Above all, reach people's hearts.“
   The entire Group is involved in CI penetration activities, including communication by top management and executives, dialog in the workplace, branding activities mainly by young employees, and sharing of best practices.




CI development, new HR system launch, CI penetration survey
Brand ambassador development project
Branding training


   In the branding training, we learn specific practical methods through case studies and group discussions that help us to put the content of CI into concrete action.

CI Penetration Map
CI Penetration Map

Establish a Personnel System and a Human Resources Development Policy That Instill YUSHIN Ideals

   In the personnel system developed in conjunction with CI activities, we have clarified the expected image of human resources, including core human resources.


   The expectations of each position are defined in terms of responsibility for results, human resource development and growth, and culture development, to ensure that the right people are appointed and assigned to the right positions, and that the personnel evaluation is well- balanced.

   Under this personnel system, we encourage employees to make efforts and take on new challenges, and provides appropriate evaluation and treatment of results. We also promote the enhancement of educational systems to support employees accordi ng to their stage of growth, and the creation of an environment that makes work more rewarding and comfortable.

Human Resource Development Policy


1. Basic Business Skill Development 2. Career Development 3. Professional Development 4. Leadership Development

  1. Develop human resources who can embody and practice the corporate identity (CI) based behavioral guidelines
  2. Encourage continued learning and growth as career progresses
  3. Define role expectations and promote achievement of results through job performance
  4. Encouraging effort and challenge, and providing various opportunities and venues for advancement
  5. Supporting the realization of individual "career design"


Ensure Diversity in Human Resources (Diversity Management)

   From the perspective of ensuring diversity in human resources and diversity management, we place emphasis on respecting diverse attributes and values and making the most of its human resources, without being bound by conventional standards within society or our company.

   Specific efforts include “creating a working environment in which men and women can play equally active roles,” “employment without regard to gender or nationality,” “recruitment of career (mid-career) personnel in priority positions,” “creation of systems and environments that draw out the efforts and challenges of diverse members,” and “support for balancing work and family life.”

YUSHIN Childcare System Book
YUSHIN Childcare System Book

   In terms of promoting women’s empowerment, we have established an action plan based on “The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace,” and is working to “maintain and strengthen the recruitment of women in the hiring of new graduates” and “enhance the use of childcare leave by male employees.”

   As specific initiatives, we distribute the YUSHIN Childcare System Book to employees who are working parents, and holds lectures to promote childcare leave for men. We also hold information exchange events for employees on childcare leave in an effort to alleviate concerns about childbirth and returning to work.

Training for service employees of Indian subsidiary
Training for service employees of Indian subsidiary

   From the perspective of ensuring diversity on a global level, we have many overseas offices and promote localization, and we are actively working to utilize mid-career hires and foreign nationals.

   As a cornerstone of these efforts, we have formulated the “YUSHIN Group Human Rights Policy” as a guideline for promoting respect for human rights and fulfilling responsibilities throughout the Group, and are working to disseminate this policy to all stakeholders.


Training Results

   In order to create an organization that will contribute to achieving medium- to long-term management goals and further sustainable growth beyond that, we held training sessions for department managers. They acquired the ability to formulate strategies on their own even after the training sessions, having learned about formulating strategies to become more proactively involved in management, move their own organizations, and realize the plans they have made.
   We will also work on new training programs to build strong people and organizations that support business growth, such as training for section managers to strengthen their organizational management skills and training for general employees to encourage autonomous career development.


Create an Environment That Makes Work More Rewarding and Comfortable

Create a System to Strengthen Organizational Power

   We are conducting an employee survey and an organizational diagnosis survey. The purpose is for us to identify issues and consider actions to further improve organizational capabilities while being aware of the PDCA cycle.

Help Design Career Path

   Through its Elder Counselor System, we are committed to providing targeted support to younger employees. We also conduct career surveys of our employees. Our goal is to increase the level of “human capital” that can contribute to the sustainable growth of our company by utilizing the strengths and abilities that each individual possesses.

Encouraging Proposal/Challenge Activities

   We support employee-led activities to make suggestions and take on challenges, and have established a system to encourage such activities.

  • “Kaizen Suggestion System” to promote business improvement
  • “Innovation Project Activity Proposal System” to foster human resources with creativity and initiative

         e.g. Office Casual Wear Project

                  Project for the establishment of standards for the approval of side/secondary jobs

Improving Job Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance

   We proactively listen to its employees’ “aspirations” and work to improve work-life balance and enhance employee benefits by reforming the way they work. We also emphasize the creation of office and plant environments that encourage teamwork and communication.

Occupational Safety and Health

   We aim to create a work environment where employees can work in good health and vigor, and promote the development of an occupational health care system, the implementation of necessary safety and health education and training, and efforts to strengthen occupational safety in each department.

Goals and Achievements in Enhancing Human Capital

   For the time being, we will work on the following items to build a foundation for strengthening human capital.


< Building an Organization for Sustainable Growth >




1. Implementation of programs to instill and implement the corporate philosophy


100% participation rate of those eligible for the program in FY2024



  1. Inner branding training implemented / Participation rate: 97.7% (FY2024)
  2. Senior management and each workplace instilled and implemented the corporate philosophy
  3. Conducted an employee survey on CI dissemination
  4. Branding activities were carried out mainly by younger employees



2. Conduct employee-participatory surveys to strengthen organizational capabilities (identify issues and consider measures)


Survey participation rate of 90% in FY2024



Survey conducted / Response rate: 98.8% (FY2024)

< Securing and Developing Diverse Human Resources and Strengthening Diversity Management >




3. Strengthen strategies and measures to secure and develop a diverse workforce


  1. Reinforce human resource recruitment policies.
  2. Reinforce ongoing policies on human resource development.
  3. Develop and disseminate a human rights policy.



  1. Implemented measures related to the recruitment and training of human resources
  2. Formulated human rights policies and conducted training



4. Women's Empowerment

  1. Percentage of female directors and managers
  2. Percentage of female graduates hired (*)


1. Percentage of female directors and managers

   1) 15% of directors, 2) 5% of managers by March 2028

2. Percentage of female graduates hired

   30% by March 2025



1. Percentage of female directors and managers

   1) 18.2% of directors (March 2024), 2) 3.8% of managers (March 2024)

2. Percentage of female graduates hired

   30% (April 2024)



5. Percentage of Male Employees Taking Childcare Leave


20% by March 2025



72.7% (April 2023 - March 2024)

*Disclosed targets in the General Business Owner's Action Plan based on The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Japanese law).