In April, 2022, YUSHIN has declared to support for the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures which is created by Financial Stability Board (FSB.) YUSHIN will further promote its effort against climate change to date, and enhance its disclosure based on the recommendations of TCFD.
YUSHIN takes climate change as an issue to be addressed in the governance and management system for sustainability.
The management meeting is the supreme decision-making body for business execution. The meeting and the committee are both chaired by the Representative Director and President. At the meeting and the committee, all inside directors discuss the progress of their commitments on climate change and the identification and assessment of risks and opportunities. The basic policy resolved at the management meeting and sustainability committee, and the result of the enforcement are to be reported to Board of Directors.
Strategy and Scenario Analysis
YUSHIN’s "Environmental Action Policy" is that all employees are committed to contributing to the environment in product development and reducing environmental impact.
The worldwide movement for environment is changing drastically from day to day, which has to be addressed properly. YUSHIN identifies risks and opportunities related to climate change and assess the impact on business.
YUSHIN clarifies the impact of climate change on procurement risks on energy and raw materials, risk in customer needs change, risk of extreme weather, average temperature rise, and sea level rise. YUSHIN will reduce these risks and turn them to opportunities.
Risk Management
YUSHIN sees what hampers business management as risk, and analyzes and assesses the urgent risks of climate change and the risks that may occur in the future.
To manage such risks, YUSHIN identifies, analyzes and evaluates the risks in all aspects of the businesses. Such information is compiled in a timely manner and shared by Board of Directors and the executive meetings. Under the leadership of Representative Director and President, YUSHIN takes prompt and appropriate measures to reduce the risks.
Indicators and Targets
Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the Japanese government announced that it would aim to reduce greenhouse gas by 46% compared to 2013 by 2030.
YUSHIN aims to reduce the sum of Scope1 and 2 (direct emissions from in-house fuels and indirect emissions from electric power and heat purchased by in-house fuels) in Japan by 70% compared to FY2021 by the end of FY2031. YUSHIN will pursue to purchase renewable-energy-based electricity and introduce environmentally friendly vehicles. YUSHIN will also plan to review its targets from a medium- and long-term perspective.
YUSHIN will set the reduction goal for Scope3 as well, and work to reduce CO_{2} throughout the supply chain and disclose the goal.