Our Group adopts a so-called “fab-light management*” approach, in which we outsource our manufacturing processes to external companies.
   For this reason, the existence of all those involved in our business is extremely important in providing our customers with products that offer added value.

   We will work closely together with all those involved in our business to deliver even higher value-added products to our customers, and to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, based on the “YUSHIN Group Procurement Guidelines.”



*Fab-light is a management method that involves not introducing large-scale manufacturing facilities and carrying out all manufacturing in-house, but instead only having some production facilities, such as for research and development, design, and quality control, and carrying out manufacturing in collaboration with external companies.


YUSHIN Group Procurement Guidelines

   Our Group has established the “YUSHIN Group Procurement Guidelines” in order to commit to sustainable procurement activities together with all business partners involved in our products and services, with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.


YUSHIN Group Basic Procurement Policy

1 Mutual trust and prosperity

We value mutual trust and prosperity by building partnerships with our suppliers.


2 Open and fair trade

Based on the principle of free competition, we provide open entry opportunities for new companies wishing to do business with us. We select suppliers based on fair evaluation and appropriate procedures in terms of their reliability as a company, technical capabilities, quality, price, delivery time, continuity and commitment to environmental protection.


3 Compliance

We shall comply with the social norms, relevant laws and regulations and the spirit of such norms, laws and regulations in each country, and shall also respect international codes of conduct to the maximum extent possible, and shall implement fair and clean procurement activities.


4 Human rights and labor

The human rights of all people involved in YUSHIN products shall be respected. In particular, we believe that occupational safety and working conditions at procurement and manufacturing sites for the components of YUSHIN products shall be properly ensured. 


5 Environmental considerations

YUSHIN recognizes that the preservation of the global environment is one of the most important issues common to all humanity. 

Aiming to create a society in harmony and co-existence with nature, YUSHIN cooperates with its suppliers and practices environmentally friendly procurement activities.


6 Information security

We appropriately manage and protect trade secrets related to our suppliers.


Code of Conduct for Sustainable Procurement (*section headings only)

   Our Group expects its suppliers in the supply chain to implement initiatives to comply with the following standards of conduct, based on the Basic Procurement Policy.


1 Compliance

 1.1 Compliance with laws and regulations of each country and region

 1.2 Compliance with Competition Laws

 1.3 Fair trade

 1.4 Respect for intellectual property rights

 1.5 Response to antisocial forces

 1.6 Establishment of internal rules, internal training and internal education

 1.7 Establishment of a contact point


2 Human Rights and Occupational Health and Safety

 2.1 Prohibition of discrimination

 2.2 Prohibition of harassment

 2.3 Protection of freedom of association, right to organize and collective bargaining

 2.4 Prohibition of forced labor

 2.5 Elimination of child labor and consideration for young workers

 2.6 Creating a safe and healthy working environment

 2.7 Establishment of appropriate working conditions


3 Environmental Considerations

 3.1 Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

 3.2 Pollution prevention and resource conservation


4 Information Security

 4.1 Prevention of information leakage and network management


5 Quality and Delivery

 5.1 Compliance with laws, regulations, standards, safety, and YUSHIN requirements

 5.2 Establishment of Quality Control System

 5.3 Providing Accurate Information on Procured Goods


Future Initiatives

   In April 2024, we sent the Procurement Guidelines to all relevant business partners, and in July, we sent the questionnaire to all relevant business partners to ensure that they were aware of the content. We will check the level of cooperation with the standards of conduct required of business partners through on-site visits and analysis of the results of the questionnaire responses.


Future plans

  • On-site visits by the procurement and quality departments
  • Analysis of the results of the questionnaire on human rights, occupational health and safety
  • Initiatives to mitigate human rights risks identified through the analysis of the results of the questionnaire

   We will continue to promote awareness and understanding of the “YUSHIN Group Procurement Guidelines” among our business partners, and we will work to build a strong supply chain between our Group and our business partners, not only by improving our Group’s procurement activities, but also by encouraging improvements among our business partners.


Declaration of Partnership Building

   In August 2022, we announced our Declaration of Partnership Building. We will build new partnerships by promoting collaboration, coexistence and co-prosperity with all parties involved in the supply chain and all businesses that aim to create value.


Declaration of Partnership Building