Support to Develop Next Generation

YUSHIN’s Contribution to Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF)

   Ritsumeikan Senior High School, which has been designated as “Super Science High School (SSH)” (a state-backed high school providing advanced science and mathematics education) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, has been holding Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF) as part of SSH projects since 2003.


   JSSF is an international student conference where participating students from all over the world exchange scientific ideas on the international stage with the purpose of obtaining “a sense of mission to contribute with the power of science for the world,” “networks for future success,” and “big dreams for the future.” Students learn together through various activities that stimulate scientific and global thinking, such as science workshops and science lectures, focusing on research presentations.


   We have accepted high school students from Ritsumeikan Senior High School and other countries around the world ten times since 2012. Through plant tours and technical presentations, We hope that participants will improve their global perspective and their willingness to learn about science.


YUSHIN's Support to Rescue Robot Contest

   The Rescue Robot Contest, a contest for robots featuring lifesaving activities in large-scale urban disasters, has been held since 2001 to educate society about disaster prevention and mitigation, and to develop human resources through improving robotics technologies. We have been sponsoring contest since 2016.


Participation in Manufacturing Workshops for High School Students

   We sent three of our engineers to Egg Drop Workshop* held at a nearby high school.

   They discussed ideas with the high school students and provided technical advice to the students. The event was an opportunity for high school students to work with manufacturers they are not normally familiar with and to get a closer look at manufacturing.

*Workshop to make a protector to protect an egg from the falling impact using specified materials.

Participation in Career Development Courses at a University 

  We participated in O/OCF PBL (Project-Based Learning) at Kyoto Sangyo University.

  In this course, which is a hands-on learning program designed to support the career development of university students, in FY2024 we posed the challenge: "What kind of training program would promote the solid growth of our employees? 

  For about six months, they worked with our employees in groups and in the field to solve the challenge, developing mindsets and skills they will need in the real world.

Research and Development Internship Programs

  As one of our initiatives to support the career development of students, we offer them internships where they can experience the front lines of research and development.

  Each section of the R&D department hosts students who are given a topic, perform experiments, simulations, programming, and structural analysis using software, present the results, and engage in group work that leads to an understanding of industries and companies.

  Students experience a series of developmental assignments that integrate their university studies with their work experience. As a result, they can deepen their learning and develop a sense of professionalism. We will continue this program.

Accepting Legal Interns

   We support the objectives of the “in-house training” (internship) program offered by the Kyoto Bar Association as part of the legal intern training program, and have been accepting legal interns since FY2023.
   Under the guidance of our in-house lawyer, we provide legal interns with a variety of work experiences focused on legal matters, so that they can gain an understanding of the perspectives required of those who will provide legal services to companies in the future. We also provide interns with the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of corporate governance and experience communicating with corporate stakeholders.


Connecting with the Local Community

Showroom Tour

  We held a tour of our showroom "IN→POSSIBLE" for cultural exchange groups in the neighborhood.

  On the day of the event, visitors were able to experience our corporate stance and comprehensive technological capabilities through company introductions and robot exhibits. We will continue to make efforts from various perspectives in order to value communication with people in neighboring communities.


*The showroom is open by appointment only. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate requests for tours.

U.S. Subsidiary Participation in Manufacturing Day

   YUSHIN AMERICA, INC. participates in "Manufacturing Day" in the United States. This event is held annually on the first Friday of October in various locations across the U.S. to promote the value of manufacturing in the U.S. economy.
   Local companies, universities, and high schools visit the YUSHIN AMERICA factory, where they receive an explanation of how take-out robots are used in the manufacturing process and design techniques, and tour the production area. This event is not only a good opportunity for the people to learn about our company, but also a chance for us to communicate with the local community, and many people said they found the event very interesting.