The 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations

   We have been certified as the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.


   The certification is awarded to companies that consider the health management of their employees from a managerial perspective and implement it strategically.

Health Manifesto

   We have received Health Manifesto from Kyoto branch of Japan Health Insurance Association. The manifesto is provided to business facilities that make concrete efforts for safety and health of the employees.

Initiative to Promote the Health and Productivity Management

Health Support by ICT

   To improve the quality of life of the employees, we provide them with health checkups. Based on the results, we give health guidance to the ones who have a risk of lifestyle-related diseases. We recommend them to have the re-examination if necessary to raise the consultation rate.

   The employees who is posted abroad or returned from overseas assignment are required to undergo periodic medical checkups once a year to manage their health so that they can work in a healthy manner.

   We are also working to enhance health support in collaboration with the industrial physician using ICT system.

Health Seminars

   Seminars are conducted on the following four themes in order to improve health literacy:


1)Women's Specific Diseases, 2)Cancer Prevention, 3)Smoking Cessation, 4)Mental Health.


   "Promotion of Smoking Cessation" seminar was held by the industrial physician. The participants were briefed on the risks of cancer due to smoking, health risks such as cerebral and cardiovascular infarction, and the effects of smoking cessation aids. The seminars were practical and ended successfully.


Mental Health Care

   We have set up Health Support Center to encourage employees to consult with public health nurse or industrial physician at any time if they are worried about something. In addition, we have set up a consultation desk operated by external resources as a welfare program, which enables employees to resolve their problems without disclosing their personal information.

Walking Event

   Every year, we hold a walking event called “Walk, Talk and Work together!” with the aim of promoting employee health and improving communication among employees. Participants from Japan and overseas use a smartphone walking app to compete for the highest average number of steps per day.

BLS (Basic Life Support) Training

   For emergency procedures, we conduct annual training programs once a year to develop human resources who can operate AED and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Health Apps

   We support the health of the employees by introducing health-related apps that have functions such as “you can find out the calories just by taking a photo of your meal” and “you can record your exercise.”


Primary Health and Productivity Management Indices - Scores in YUSHIN

Indices Scores (FY2024)
Rate of regular health check-ups 100 %
Stress check participation rate 87.6 %
Average monthly overtime hour 19.6 hours
Average paid leave taken 64.7 %
Absenteeism *1 The number of sick days / the total number of employees 0.6 days
Presenteeism *2 W-FUN score converted to percentages (75 - 100%) *3 91.1 %
Work engagement *4 Rate job satisfaction on a 5-point scale using in-house questionnaire Not yet calculated

*1  Health-related absences from work

*2  A condition in which an employee is not fully functional at work due to illness.

*3  W-FUN is a questionnaire that measures the degree of impairment in work functioning due to illness.

       The total score will be between 7 and 35 points. The higher the points, the more severe the impairment.

*4  A positive state of mind at work


Safety and Health

   We promote safety and health in workplace based on the Safety and Health Policy.

Safety and Health Policy


  1. ・ Promote occupational safety through the activities of the Health and Safety Committee (Materiality)
  2. ・ Develop a workplace where employees can work actively and stay healthy
  3. ・ Conduct necessary safety and health education and training, and foster people who put safety before everything else
  4. ・ Comply with safety and health-related laws and plant rules



Safety and Health Initiatives

Establishing Internal Standards For “Heavy Lifting”

   Heavy lifting is physically demanding for workers and a risk factor for various occupational injuries, including back pain and falls. For this reason, the Labor Standards Act places certain restrictions on the performance of such work.
   We have set and begun to implement internal standards that are even stricter than these limits. We have also established “Guidelines for Safety Measures in the Transportation of Heavy Objects” to ensure the safety and protection of employees and to reduce work-related stress.