Environmental Policy / ISO14001

Environmental Action Policy



YUSHIN will contribute to the environment in product development


works to reduce environmental impact as a common initiative for all employees



Product Development Initiatives

1) Continuous development of energy-saving products


YUSHIN  will endeavor to develop products that have low environmental impact, and that are compatible with environmental conservation by using technologies that are friendly to people and the environment.


<Recent Examples>

  • Awarded at the Energy-Efficient Machinery and System Awards of The Japan Machinery Federation (FRA series)
  • Developed new products that are environmentally conscious and contribute to Carbon Neutral (Smart ECO Vacuum: RC-SE series, YD series)

Company-Wide Initiatives

2) Paperless promotion

Reduction in paper consumption by promoting more efficient operations

3) Reduction of CO2 emissions


  • YUSHIN will take the option of reducing the environmental impact when constructing and expanding the plants or purchasing company vehicles. (use of LED lighting, purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources, purchase of environmentally conscious vehicles)
  • YUSHIN will cut down the use of company vehicle by working-at-home and video meeting.

Reduction of

Environmental Impact