We are pleased to announce that our corporate website has been selected as an “AA Website” grade in the Standard Market section of the “2024 All Japanese Listed Companies Website Quality Ranking” by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. (hereafter “Nikko IR.”)

   The purpose of this “Website Quality Ranking” is to investigate the quality of information disclosure on the websites of all the 3,975 Japanese listed companies and to promote awareness of corporate information disclosure. Nikko IR conducts research on corporate websites based on objective evaluation criteria set by Nikko IR from three perspectives: “ease of understanding,” “ease of use,” and “amount of information.”
   This year, 100 companies were awarded from among the approximately 1,600 companies listed in the Standard Market section - 20 for AAA Website, 30 for AA Website and 50 for A Website.


   We will continue to work to further enhance our corporate website and ensure appropriate information disclosure, and we will strive to improve communication with our stakeholders and enhance our corporate value on a sustainable basis.



Click here for our IR website.



Click here for our corporate website.




For further details, please see the following website of Nikko IR. *in Japanese only
