YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. (YUSHIN) has declared to support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD*).

YUSHIN aims a sustainable growth and maximizing company value in a long term scope with obtaining trust and support from all stake holders including shareholders surrounding YUSHIN Group.
YUSHIN recognizes subjects relating to sustainability as one of the most important management tasks that YUSHIN must take actions. YUSHIN aims to manage business with having less impacts on environment by developing products that can contribute to energy savings at customers' site, and working on reducing energy consumption and CO_{2} emission at its own activities.
YUSHIN is going to work on analyzing business risks and opportunities consequence of climate changes along with TCFD recommendations and positively disclose relating information. YUSHIN will also contribute preservation of the global environment with all stakeholders surrounding us through our business.
* TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international organization for stability of financial systems in 2015 and recommends financial disclosure in relation with business risks and opportunities consequence of climate changes.
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